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Introduction to Photoshop

1.       Introduction of Photoshop
2.       Objectives• Be familiar with the Photoshop environment.• Understand the concept      and use the Photoshop.• Create graphics and manipulate images using the different tools and plug-ins of Photoshop.
3.       What is Adobe Photoshop?• Photoshop is the leading professional image- editing program, released by Adobe. Photoshop is useful for both creating and editing images to be used in print or online. Easy to use, but full of high-quality features, Photoshop is the best choice for any image manipulation job.
4.       Using Photoshop• PowerPoint or Presentations• Publications and lay-outs – Hand-out, brochures• World Wide Web – Graphics for web, web designs, navigations• Video Segmenting• Digtal Materials
5.       Introduction to Photoshop Photo Restoration and manipulation
6.       Introduction to Photoshop Working colors and shapes
7.       Introduction to Photoshop Working with Text
8.       Introduction to Photoshop Working with Graphics and images
9.       Starting with Photoshop • Click the "Start" menu and go to the "Programs" folder. You will see an "Adobe" folder with "Photoshop" inside; click this icon.
10.     Photoshop Interface
11.     Photoshop Interface• The menu bar consists of nine menus: File, Edit, Image, Layer, Select, Filter, View, Window, and Help.
12.     The Toolbox• The toolbox contains many of the tools you will be working with in Photoshop. This contains tools for working with images in Photoshop.
13.     Understanding Layers• One of Photoshop’s most powerful features is the ability to create and use multiple layers within the same image. A layer is literally what it sounds like: one layer on top of another, all of which can be edited independently of each other and laid on top of or beneath one another, and then later combined to form a single, flat image.
14.     Understanding Layers• So what are all these options in the layers window? 1. Paintbrush Symbol - This symbol (and the blue shading of the layer) notes the currently active layer 2. Show / Hide Layer - When the eye icon is visible, the layer is displayed in your project. If the eye is clicked, then the layer is hidden but not deleted.
15.     Understanding Layers 3. Link Icon - Indicates if the layer is currently linked to another layer. When linked, layers act “locked” together (and will move with each other, accordingly), but still remain separate layers. Layers can be linked together by selecting one layer, and then clicking the boxes in the other layers to display the “Link” icon (number three on the above list and image).
16.     Understanding Layer 4. Background - The Background is technically not a layer, however, it can be edited. It is the bottom-most portion of the image. 5. Layer - Each layer has its own name (default is by numbering). Click a layer’s name to edit on that layer. 6. Text Layer - Adding text creates a new text-specific layer.

17.     Creating an Image Archive• Be sure to maintain the original file.• It is best to create your graphics files in TIF PSD whenever possible. – Then save the file as a JPEG or GIF format for web publishing.

                         -The new and enhanced features in this version are:
·        File Browser--The new File Browser lets you search for images visually rather than just by file name.
·        Healing Brush & Patch Tool--The Healing Brush and Patch Tool lets you remove artifacts such as dust, scratches, blemishes, and wrinkles.
·        Web Transparency--The new Save for Web option enables you to remap colors to transparency or to other colors and to dither a transparency for better partially transparent effects in your Web graphics.
·        Enhanced Web Output--Keep vector art and text looking crisp by letting Photoshop or Image Ready automatically assign a higher priority to those areas when you optimize an image for the Web.
·        WBMP Support--Preview and save for Web in WBMP format, commonly used for displaying images on PDAs and wireless devices.
·        Rollovers Palette--Use one convenient palette to create, view, and set rollover states.
·        Workspaces--Customize your Photoshop working environment by creating a palette layout and then saving the layout as a workspace.
·        Tool Presets--Customize any tool and save your settings as a new, unique tool.
·        Auto Color Command--With the new Auto Color command, color correction is easier.
·        Data-Driven Graphics--Use the new data-driven graphics feature in Image Ready to combine visual sophistication with automated production.
·        Paint Engine--Create and save custom brushes with a powerful new paint engine that lets you adjust dozens of different brush settings.
·        Art Studio Brushes--In addition to the brushes you create yourself, you can use the preset brushes included on the Photoshop CD.
·        Pattern Maker--With the new Pattern Maker plug-in, you can create patterns simply by selecting a section of an image.
·        Liquify Enhancements--The Liquify command offers more flexibility and allows you to save custom meshes.
·        PDF Security--Offers complete support for Acrobat 5.0 security settings.
·        Picture Package Enhancements--Now you can print to different page sizes.
·        Web Photos Gallery Enhancements--Provides new templates to give you more flexibility.
·        XMP Support--Add metadata in XMP so you files can be indexed by Internet search engines.
·        Text Support--Use the new spell checker and find and replace features to eliminate typos.
·        Tighter Integration--Work more effectively with Photoshop and other Adobe products such as Illustrator, In Design, GoLive, Live Motion, Acrobat, and AlterCast.

Advantages of Adobe Photoshop:

·         When you learn how to use Photoshop , It can improve your skills  , It is possible to clear up the blemishes and the imperfections in the photos , You can remove and change the backgrounds in the photos .
·         The images can be altered to fix the faults  , The photographs can be given an  professional look when a standard camera is used , New artwork images can be created and edited .
·         It is very easy to begin editing the photos , Adobe Photoshop helps you to reduce the red eye or to whiten the teeth with the click of a button , You can adjust the skin tones of people in your pictures .
·         Most of the edits regularly done on the photos can be completed with a single click , There is no professional training is needed to complete the complex tasks like adjusting skin tone .
·         You can use Adobe Photoshop to import the videos & the photos into the software quickly and easily , Everything will be organized in a neat & orderly way on your screen , when you are deal with hundreds or thousands of photos and videos , It will be easier to find the ones you need and use them , So, It is easy to handle numerous videos and photos .

Disadvantages of Adobe Photoshop:

·         Adobe Photoshop is relatively simple to use but it is not a program designed for the beginners  It is primarily a photo-editing program for the professionals that plan on editing many photos on a regular basis , There are many different tools that do very different things , so , You will take long time  to learn how to use each one correctly .
·         Adobe Photoshop is not free , It is a proprietary software , meaning its source code is a secret  Source code is the code in which any computer program is written by the human programmers .
·         Adobe Photoshop is relatively expensive , When compared with other photo-editing software  It has so many features and it is thus regarded as the industry standard in the graphic designing  , You will spend much more for Adobe Photoshop , If you do not plan on editing the photos every day .
·         Most beginners will not begin to touch the functionality of this program and they could get what they need from another program , Many people who are unfamiliar with editing the photos in Adobe Photoshop , The advanced functionality will be useless for them .
·         There are many free and lower cost graphics and photo editors , They are  available for the casual users and the enthusiasts who do not need all of the powerful features Photoshop offers .
·         Adobe Photoshop requires a well-equipped computer , It is a heavyweight programand many of the tools are computationally intensive , It takes up a large space of room on your computer as well as RAM memory .


·         Move And Selection Tools
o    Move Tool * ( V )
o    The Move Tool is used to move layers, selections and guides within a Photoshop document. Enable "Auto-Select" to automatically select the layer or group you click on.
o    Rectangular Marquee Tool * ( M )
o    The Rectangular Marquee Tool draws rectangular selection outlines. Press and hold Shift as you drag to draw a square selection.
o    .
o    Lasso Tool * ( L )
o    With the Lasso Tool, you can draw a freeform selection outline around an object.
o    Polygonal Lasso Tool ( L )Click around an object with the Polygonal Lasso Tool to surround it with a polygonal, straight-edged selection outline.
o    Magnetic Lasso Tool ( L )
o    The Magnetic Lasso Tool snaps the selection outline to the edges of the object as you move your mouse cursor around it.
o    Magic Wand Tool ( W )
o    Photoshop's Magic Wand Tool selects areas of similar color with a single click. The "Tolerance" value in the Options Bar sets the range of colors that will be selected.
·         Crop And Slice Tools
o    Crop Tool * ( C )
o    Use the Crop Tool in Photoshop to crop an image and remove unwanted areas. Uncheck "Delete Cropped Pixels" in the Options Bar to crop an image non-destructively.

o    Slice Tool ( C )
o    The Slice Tool divides an image or layout into smaller sections (slices) which can be exported and optimized separately.

o    Eyedropper Tool * ( I )
o    Photoshop's Eyedropper Tool samples colors in an image. Increase "Sample Size" in the Options Bar for a better representation of the sampled area's color.
o    Note Tool ( I )
o    The Note Tool allows you to attach text-based notes to your Photoshop document, either for yourself or for others working on the same project. Notes are saved as part of the .PSD file.
o    Brush Tool * ( B )
o    The Brush Tool is Photoshop's primary painting tool. Use it to paint brush strokes on a layer or on a layer mask.
o    Pencil Tool ( B )
o    The Pencil Tool is another of Photoshop's painting tools. But while the Brush Tool can paint soft-edge brush strokes, the Pencil Tool always paints with hard edges.
o    Color Replacement Tool ( B )
o    Use the Color Replacement Tool in Photoshop to easily replace the color of an object with a different color.
o    Mixer Brush Tool ( B )
o    Unlike the standard Brush Tool, the Mixer Brush in Photoshop can simulate elements of real painting such as mixing and combining colors, and paint wetness.
o    Clone Stamp Tool * ( S )
o    The Clone Stamp Tool is the most basic of Photoshop's retouching tools. It samples pixels from one area of the image and paints them over pixels in another area.
o    Pattern Stamp Tool ( S )
o    Use the Pattern Stamp Tool to paint a pattern over the image.
o    History Brush Tool * ( Y )
o    The History Brush Tool paints a snapshot from an earlier step (history state) into the current version of the image. Choose the previous state from the History panel.
o    Eraser Tool * ( E )
o    The Eraser Tool in Photoshop permanently erases pixels on a layer. It can also be used to paint in a previous history state.
o    Magic Eraser Tool ( E )
o    The Magic Eraser Tool is similar to the Magic Wand Tool in that it selects areas of similar color with a single click. But the Magic Eraser Tool then permanently deletes those areas.
o    Gradient Tool * ( G )
o    Photoshop's Gradient Tool draws gradual blends between multiple colors. The Gradient Editor lets you create and customize your own gradients.
o    Paint Bucket Tool ( G )
o    The Paint Bucket Tool fills an area of similar color with your Foreground color or a pattern. The "Tolerance" value determines the range of colors that will be affected around the area where you clicked.
o    Blur Tool *
o    The Blur Tool blurs and softens areas you paint over with the tool.
o    Sharpen Tool
o    The Sharpen Tool sharpens areas you paint over.
o    Smudge Tool
o    The Smudge Tool in Photoshop smudges and smears the areas you paint over. It can also be used to create a finger painting effect.
o    Dodge Tool * ( O )
o    Paint over areas in the image with the Dodge Tool to lighten them.
o    Pen Tool * ( P )
o    Photoshop's Pen Tool allows you to draw extremely precise paths, vector shapes or selections.
o    Freeform Pen Tool ( P )
o    The Freeform Pen Tool allows you to draw freehand paths or shapes. Anchor points are automatically added to the path as you draw.
o    Horizontal Type Tool * ( T )
o    Known simply as the Type Tool in Photoshop, use the Horizontal Type Tool to add standard type to your document.
o    Vertical Type Tool ( T )
o    The Vertical Type Tool adds type vertically from top to bottom.
o    Vertical Type Mask Tool ( T )
o    Rather than adding editable text to your document, the Vertical Type Mask Tool creates a selection outline in the shape of vertical type.
o    Horizontal Type Mask Tool ( T )
o    Like the Vertical Mask Type Tool, the Horizontal Type Mask Tool creates a selection outline in the shape of type. However, the type is added horizontally rather than vertically.
o    Path Selection Tool * ( A )
o    Use the Path Selection Tool (the black arrow) in Photoshop to select and move an entire path at once.
o    Direct Selection Tool ( A )
o    Use the Direct Selection Tool (the white arrow) to select and move an individual path segment, anchor point or direction handle.
o    Rectangle Tool * ( U )
o    The Rectangle Tool draws rectangular vector shapes, paths or pixel shapes. Press and hold Shift as you drag to force the shape into a perfect square.
o    Rounded Rectangle Tool ( U )
o    The Rounded Rectangle Tool is similar to the standard Rectangle Tool but draws the shapes with rounded corners. Press and hold Shift to draw a square with rounded corners.
o    Ellipse Tool ( U )
o    The Ellipse Tool draws elliptical vector shapes, paths or pixel shapes. Press and hold Shift as you drag to draw a perfect circle.
o    Line Tool ( U )

Step 1
Create a new document with dimensions of 1920 x 1280 pixels. Unlock the background layer and fill it with black.
Create your title text using the font Defused in white, then set the Opacity to 25%.

Step 2

Load your cloud brushes into Photoshop, select the brush tool (b), and set your paint color to white.
Select one of your cloud brushes and use the [ and ] keys to decrease or increase the size of the brush until it will fit nicely along some of the horizontal strokes of the text.
Create a new layer and paint a few copies of your brush on top of your text.

Step 3

Repeat this process using more of your cloud brushes. You can flip, resize, and rotate your brushes in the Brush palette to add variation as you paint.
I highly recommend that with every few brush strokes you make, you create a new layer. That way if you paint an area that you don't like, you can fix it later without having to delete a huge chunk of your text.
Once you have painted all of your clouds, hide your original text layer by clicking the eyeball icon next to your text layer in the Layers palette.


Step 4

Create a new layer on top of everything else, and using a regular, soft round brush, paint over the top of your cloud text using white.
Set the Blend Mode to Linear Dodge (Add) and the Opacity to 15%.
Below is what your new layer should look like with all the other ones turned off. It's very subtle, but will help soften our cloudy text.



Step 5

Find the background that you want to use. We used a free one from the 10 Dramatic Sky Backgrounds at My Design Deals

Crop and resize your cloud background to 1920 x 1280, and paste it into your document just above the black background layer.
Apply the following Layer Style settings to give it some extra depth.

You should end up with something similar to the image below.


Step 6

Duplicate the soft white brush layer you created in step 4 and move it just above your cloud background in the Layers palette.
Set the Opacity to 100% and the Fill to 0% in the Layers palette.
Apply the following Layer Style settings to create a subtle shadow that will help our cloud text stand out from the background.

You should end up with something similar to the image below.

Step 7

Create some subtext using the font Belta  in white.
Set the Opacity to 90% in the Layers palette and apply the following Layer Style settings.
You should end up with something similar to the image below


Step 8

To give our image a more aged, retro look, create a new layer above all the rest and fill it with any color.
Set the Fill to 0% in the Layers palette and apply the following Layer Style settings, using the color #FFA800.


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