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Java is a general-purpose computer-programming language that is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented,[15] and specifically designed to have as few implementation dependences as possible. It is intended to let application developers "write once, run anywhere" (WORA),[16] meaning that compiled Java code can run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation.[17] Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless of computer architecture. As of 2016, Java is one of the most popular programming languages in use,[18][19][20][21] particularly for client-server web applications, with a reported 9 million developers.[22] Java was originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems (which has since been acquired by Oracle Corporation) and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems ‘Java. The language derives much of its syntax from C and C++, but it has fewer low-level facilities than either of them.
The original and reference implementation Java compilers, virtual machines, and class libraries were originally released by Sun under proprietary licenses. As of May 2007, in compliance with the specifications of the Java Community Process, Sun relicensed most of its Java technologies under the GNU General Public License. Others have also developed alternative implementations of these Sun technologies, such as the GNU Compiler for Java (bytecode compiler), GNU Classpath (standard libraries), and IcedTea-Web (browser plugin for applets).
The latest version is Java 9, released on September 21, 2017,[23] and is one of the two versions currently supported for free by Oracle. Versions earlier than Java 8 are supported by companies on a commercial basis; e.g. by Oracle back to Java 6 as of October 2017 (while they still "highly recommend that you uninstall"[24] pre-Java 8 from at least Windows computers).


There were five primary goals in the creation of the Java language:[17]

1.    It must be "simple, object-oriented, and familiar".
2.    It must be "robust and secure".
3.    It must be "architecture-neutral and portable".
4.    It must execute with "high performance".
5.    It must be "interpreted, threaded, and dynamic".


Main article: Java version history
As of 2017[update], both Java 8 and 9 are officially supported. Major release versions of Java, along with their release dates:
·      JDK 1.0 (January 23, 1996)[41]
·      JDK 1.1 (February 19, 1997)
·      J2SE 1.2 (December 8, 1998)
·      J2SE 1.3 (May 8, 2000)
·      J2SE 1.4 (February 6, 2002)
·      J2SE 5.0 (September 30, 2004)
·      Java SE 6 (December 11, 2006)
·      Java SE 7 (July 28, 2011)
·      Java SE 8 (March 18, 2014)
·      Java SE 9 (September 21, 2017)

The advantages of Java are:
1.  Java is easy to learn
     Java was designed to be easy to use and is therefore much more easy to write, compile,
     debug, run and learn than other programming languages.
2.  Java is object-oriented
     This allows you to create modular maintainable applications and reusable code.
3.  Java is platform-independent
     One of the most significant advantages of Java is its ability to move easily from one system
     to another. The ability to run the same code on many different systems is crucial to www,
     and Java succeeds at this by being platform-independent at the source and almost binary levels.
4.  Java is distributed
     Java is designed to make distributed computing easy with the networking capability that is
     inherently integrated into it. Writing network programs in Java is like sending and receiving
     data to  and from a file.
5.  Java is secure
     Java considers security as part of its design. The Java language, compiler, interpreter, and
     runtime environment were each developed with security in mind.
6.  Java is robust
     Robust means reliability. Java puts a lot of emphasis on early checking for possible errors, as
     Java compilers are able to detect many problems that would first show up during execution time
     in other languages.
7.  Java is multithreaded
     Multithreaded is the capability for a program to perform several tasks simultaneously within a
     program. In Java, multithreaded programming has been smoothly integrated into it, while in
    other languages, operating system-specific procedures have to be called in order to enable

Important features of Java
The following are some important features of Java Programming Language:
  • Simple
  • Platform Independent
  • Architectural Neutral
  • Dynamic and Extensible
  • Portable
  • Multi Threading
  • Distributed
  • Networked
  • Robust
  • Secured
  • High Performance
  • Object Oriented


The Java language is easy to learn and its coding style is easy to read and write. It contains many features of other Languages like C and C++ and Java removes complexity because it doesn't use pointers and doesn't support Multiple Inheritance.

Platform Independent

This is where the "Write Once, run anywhere" motto for Java comes in. It means that you can develop on one environment(Operating System) and run on another environment without doing any modification of the code.
More about.... Platform Independent of Java

Architectural Neutral

Java application runs the same bytecodes regardless of any environment (Operating System). To enable a Java application to execute anywhere on the network, the compiler generates an architecture-neutral object file format.

Dynamic and Extensible

Java has Dynamic and Extensible means with the help of OOPS you can add classes and plug in new methods to classes, creating new classes through sub classes. This makes Java very easy to augment with your own classes or even to modify.


Java programs can execute in any environment (Linux,Window,Mac etc.) for which there is a Java run-time system (JVM). That really means there is no implementation dependent features.

Multi Threading

Java supports Multithreading. Multithreading means handling more than one job at a time, so get more process get done in less time than it could with just one thread.


Java was designed with the distributed environment. It has networking facilities, so it can be transmit, run over internet. for ex. RMI and EJB are used for creating distributed applications.


Java is mainly designed for web based applications. Java masks lot of complexity by providing classes for you that already implements the hard parts, such as creating socket connections, reading the contents of the URL as a file etc. Moreover, J2EE is used for developing network based applications.


Robust simply means strong. Its capability to handle Run-time Error, automatic garbage collection, the lack of pointer concept, Exception Handling etc. makes java robust.


The Java platform is designed with security features built into the language and runtime system such as Bytecode verification for distrusted code, support for authentication and privacy etc. Java program always runs in Java runtime environment with almost null interaction with OS, hence it is more secure.

High Performance

Although Java is an interpreted language, it was designed to support "just-in-time" compilers, which dynamically compile bytecodes to machine code. Bytecodes are highly optimized, so Java Virtual Machine can executed them much faster.

Object Oriented

Java supports Inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism, the three major Object Oriented constructs that distinguish a language as Object-Oriented.

                                LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM


Library Management System is a software application implemented in Java platform using MS Access database design. It is useful for libraries in any university, college, or similar educational institution to manage and maintain data in database through computerized system. Using this system, users need not search the entire library to find a book; the list of books available is displayed by the application.
You can download the complete Java source code, abstract, and necessary project files of this project from the link below. The project report and documentation are not available at the moment, so you can refer the description provided here as project synopsis for LMS

LMS is a software application useful for librarians in any educational institution for management and handling of typical operations in the library. It manages data through computerized system in a database which eradicates the tediousness in searching a particular book in the entire library.

Existing System:

The existing library management system is very traditional and manual. Most of the things such as record of students who’ve issued the book, no. of books in the library, fine of students, etc. are recorded using pen-paper system. This traditional system requires a lot of time and manpower for performing simple operations in the library.
The drawbacks of existing system are:
·     Record keeping is paper-based.
·     The system is not computerized.
·     There’s high risk of data mis-management.
·     Students face a lot of problem while searching a book.
·     Chances of book theft from the library is high.
·     A lot of paperwork and manpower is to be allocated for simple library management operations.
·     The existing system is very inefficient and unreliable.

Proposed System:
The proposed library management software is developed after the analysis of issues, problems, and drawbacks of the existing system. Here, different modules have been assigned for managing and organizing different tasks in a library. Using this software, librarian can store information of all the books, with author name, faculty, etc., available in the library. Only one person can handle the entire library.
The main feature of this system is that all the books available in the library can be displayed in a list so that students need not roam through the entire library to find a book. Additionally, the application effectively maintains the details of users/students to whom books have been issued; it also records the issued date and return date.

Add, modify and delete book details into the database.
·     Search feature for finding book availability in library stock.
·     Add students records upon issue of a book.
·     Record issue date, return date, and fine (penalty).
·     Payment system/feature allows the librarian to calculate payment details and print bill.
Technologies and Products Used:

·     NetBeans 5.0
·     Tomcat 5.5 embedded in NetBeans
·     Oracle10g Express Edition
·     Jboss 4.0.3
·     Java Server Pages (JSP)
·     Java Beans
·     Enterprise Java Beans


Modules Overview:

1.    Insertion Module: With the help of this module, librarian can insert information and details of users along with book details and time and date of book issue.
2.    Updating Module: This module allows modification to the existing records and details in the library management system database.
3.    Report Generation Module: This module allows task such as printing payment details, stock details of books, etc.


System Configuration:

Hardware Configuration:
·     Processor: Pentium III 630MHz
·     RAM: 128MB
·     Hard Disk: 20GB
·     Monitor: 15″ Color Monitor
·     Keyboard: 122 keys
Software Configuration:
·     Operating System: Windows NT/ Windows 98/ Windows XP
·     Language: Java 2 Runtime Environment
·     Database: MS Access

Also see,
Library Automation System in VB.NET
Hospital Management System
More Java Projects

The proposed library management system meets the current requirements of users of a typical library, but many new features and enhancements can be added into the system as per user requirements. Some of these include developing system using RFID, adding SMS module, sending SMS to check book availability, etc.

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